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Personal Training


Thinking about beginning your journey with a Personal Trainer?

Sign up for a consultation with a Personal Trainer today and learn about the services we provide.         

Consultation Form



Please fill out the consultation form to purchase your package. 

Purchasing Per Session- you may purchase one session at a time or multiple sessions (however many you desire). You must complete SMART START before purchasing per session. 

You may also purchase our Semester-Long Pass! This pass includes the same consultation + assessment as SMART START, and up to 40 sessions per semester. 

Smart Start

Start your journey right with the SMART START package.  This package includes the following:

  1. 1 consultation session and assessment session 
  2. 6 one-on-one 60 minute sessions

Following the completion of the SMART START, clients will be able to purchase additional training sessions in any quantity they desire. Additional package options are as follows:

  1. 6 sessions/30 minutes each
  2. 10 sessions/1 hour each
Package Rates

Package Rates

Packages                                                                                               Student Rate Affiliate Rate
SMART START (6 Sessions, 1 Consultation) $75 $85
6 Sessions/30 Minutes Each $50 $65
10 Sessions/1 Hour Each $140 $190
Semester-Long Pass (up to 40 sessions a semester) $525 $675
Per Session Prices (can buy 1 session at a time or multiple) $15/session $20/session
Small Group Training (3-5 individuals) (6 sessions/1 Hour Each) $30/person $40/person
Small Group Training

Team up with 3-5 friends and let our personal trainers design a program tailored to your group’s unique fitness goals. Your fully customized program includes 6 sessions with 1-2 sessions per week. Start working toward your goals together today! 

Click Here to Meet Our Trainers

Client Policies

Age Restrictions: All personal training clients must be at least 18 years of age or older to purchase and redeem personal training packages. 

Session Redemptions: All personal training sessions must be used in the semester in which they are purchased. All training sessions must be completed by Reading Day of each semester and unused sessions will not roll over to another semester. 

Refunds: Refunds for personal training services will only be offered due to medical reasons. As a result, refunds will not be offered due to limited facility hours or unused sessions.

Cancellations: Clients must cancel a session 24 hours in advance. If the trainer needs to cancel a session, the client will be notified 24 hours in advance. The trainer will not penalize the client in any way or take away sessions in the event of a cancellation or rescheduling. Every effort should be made to reschedule an appropriately cancelled training session.

No Show: If the client fails to give a 24 hour notification of cancellation, then it will be required to forfeit a paid session. 

Late Show: A 10-15 minute rule will apply for scheduled appointments. If the client does not show up within the 10-15 minute timeframe, the personal trainer will not be obligated to train on that particular day. If the trainer stays and the client shows up, they will only train for the remainder of the scheduled appointment.

Location(s): Personal training sessions may be redeemed or serviced at any UREC location.