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Responsibility of Recreational Team Captains

Each team entered in any Recreational Sports activity must have a team captain who will act as the official liaison between the team and the Recreational Sports Office. It is the team captain’s responsibility to turn in his/her team roster at the specified time, check eligibility of each of his/her players before and during the season, and keep his/her team informed on rules, policies, and regulations governing each sport. Information sent out by the Recreational Sports Office should be read with care and followed with appropriate action. Each captain must see that the members of his/her team are given the opportunity to read all pertinent information.

Some of the team captain’s duties are to:

  1. Organize the team and enter into competition before the deadline date
  2. Ensure a representative from the team attends the Mandatory Team Representative Meeting
  3. Keep their names, address, and telephone numbers up to date on
  4. Be familiar with all Recreational Sports eligibility rules and see that their team plays only eligible players
  5. Keep the team members informed as to time and place of the scheduled activity and see that they are present
  6. Make an effort to see that those representing his/her team play according to the rules of the game and conduct themselves as good sports
  7. Help assist in making arrangements for postponed games
  8. Make a regular check of the Recreational Sports bulletin board to keep informed of changes and/or updates. During tournament play a daily check is recommended